
Hi! I'm Zeke.

I'm a Wharton professor. I study how the movement of people, ideas, and businesses creates prosperity.

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The Truth About Immigration

Why successful societies welcome newcomers

This book is all about how newcomers benefit you, your community, and your country. Destined to become the go-to book on one of the most important issues of our time, this book turns fear into hope by proving a simple truth: immigrants are essential for economically prosperous and socially vibrant nations.

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Advance Praise for the book:

Debates about immigration are at the forefront of politics, but they’re rarely informed by data. Zeke Hernandez has spent his career studying how immigrants affect our lives and our livelihoods, and his research is filled with results that will surprise both liberals and conservatives. Wherever you stand ideologically, his book will challenge you to rethink some of your views and reconsider the potential in people from foreign countries.

Adam Grant
#1 New York Times bestselling author of Hidden Potential and Think Again and host of the TED podcast Re:Thinking

Zeke Hernandez’s wonderful book makes a compelling case that we should shift our thinking about immigration away from what he calls 'unfounded fear' to 'factual optimism,' based on research regarding innovation, cultural vitality, and the contributions of immigrants that greatly benefit the host nation. People and policy makers around the world should study this book and take in its lessons.

Guido Imbens
Winner of the Nobel Prize and Economics Professor, Stanford University

Finally, a book that explains in detail why immigration is good for the country, and why it should be embraced. A must-read for anybody who wants their society to reach its maximum potential.

Luis von Ahn
Founder and CEO, Duolingo

America needs more immigrants. That’s the message of this important new book by Zeke Hernandez. Cutting through the noise and misinformation that colors this debate, it marshals detailed data and moving personal stories to show how immigrants of all backgrounds and skill levels drive investment, innovation, and jobs; do essential work that Americans shy away from; create widespread economic gains; and make our cities and communities stronger and safer.

Richard Florida
author of The Rise of the Creative Class

The Truth About Immigration is a model of persuasive writing: a deft mix of social science data and personal stories, including the author’s own…'The essence of the economy is people interacting with each other,' [Hernandez] writes. Those interactions, which include immigrants and locals at many levels, have driven both economic success and social equality. This is a book worth reading and pondering.

Laurel Thatcher Ulrich
Pulitzer Prize Winning historian and Professor emerita, Harvard University
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In a wonderfully engaging style that combines anecdotes, personal stories, and state of the art research, Hernandez challenges the traditional narratives that portray immigrants as villains or victims. Instead, he makes a compelling case for a new paradigm, emphasizing the ideas, motivation, and novelty that immigrants bring to the table. Immigrants are investors, innovators, and consumers – not just the lumps of labor in old fashioned economic models. Readers will come away with a greater appreciation of their own communities and the growing body of research underlying Hernandez’s richly detailed book.

David Card
Winner of the Nobel Prize and Professor of Economics, University of California Berkeley
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