Take The Immigration Quiz

How much do you know about US Immigration? Test your knowledge with this 13 question quiz.

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What percentage of the world's population lives in countries they weren't born in?
What percentage of the US population is foreign-born?
How do “unskilled” immigrants (those without a college degree) affect native workers in the job market?
How do “skilled” immigrants (those with a college degree) affect native workers in the job market?
How do immigrants affect investment in the places where they settle? (Investment means money spent to start a new business or to expand an existing business.)
Each immigrant makes a net contribution of ___________ to public coffers in the United States. (A positive number means they pay more in taxes than they consume in public services. A negative number means the opposite.)
How much more or less likely than US natives are immigrants to start businesses?
Immigrant inventors are responsible for what % of patents in the United States?
How does the economic and cultural assimilation rate of today's immigrants to the United States (who mainly come from Asia and Latin America) compare to those 100-plus years ago (who mainly came from Europe)?
How does the violent crime (murder, rape, etc.) rate for undocumented immigrants in the United States compare to that of native-born Americans?
How long has the average undocumented immigrant lived in the US?
What percentage of permanent residence visas in the US are given to family-based migrants in any given year?
What percentage of permanent residence visas in the US are given to employment-based migrants?
To get your results, a subscription to Zeke's Substack, and an introduction to The Truth About Immigration
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The Truth About Immigration

Why successful societies welcome newcomers

This book is all about how newcomers benefit you, your community, and your country. Destined to become the go-to book on one of the most important issues of our time, this book turns fear into hope by proving a simple truth: immigrants are essential for economically prosperous and socially vibrant nations.

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